
Stellar course in Portuguese

Date and time


Institute of Technology and Society in Rio

Highlighted Speakers

Gabriel Aleixo, Thomaz Brandão Teixeira and Lisa Nestor




The Institute of Technology and Society in Rio de Janeiro (ITS Rio) is hosting a free online certificate course about Stellar in Portuguese. The course focuses on business and ranges from the basic fundamentals of Stellar to sophisticated uses of applications.

As the largest country in Latin America and one of the world’s fastest growing economies, Brazil is changing rapidly in the financial space. In a short period of time, the innovation and adoption for financial technology has grown exponentially: today, Brazil is home to almost 800 fin techs. This workshop will both offer a high-level overview of Stellar (11/10) as well discuss the possibilities of Stellar in Brazil (11/11).

Stellar: an introduction on 11/10 at 17:00 BRT

Working since 2013 in the fronts of blockchain technology at ITS Rio, Gabriel Aleixo, will give a high-level overview of Stellar and how this technology can impact the financial sector, by facilitating the creation, submission and trade of digital representations of all forms of money - dollars, pesos, bitcoin, among others.

Stellar in Brazil on 11/11 at 17:00 BRT

In the second session of the workshop, Thomaz Teixeira, CEO and co-founder of nTokens, accompanied by Lisa Nestor, Senior Strategist at Stellar Development Foundation, will discuss how Stellar and nTokens can help drive Brazil’s financial space forward in a compliance-friendly way. Through nTokens, Stellar can help create opportunities for Brazilian businesses in the rapidly growing cross-border and domestic digital payments sector.

Sign up for this course, learn about Stellar and its possibilities in Brazil and earn a certificate from ITS Rio!