
User-Friendly Key Management with SEP-30 Recoverysigner

Date and time


Engineering Talks

Highlighted Speakers

Leigh McCulloch




This Friday, software engineer Leigh McCulloch will talk about how SEP-30 can improve the usability of key management in crypto wallets.

Key management in crypto wallets is not typically user-friendly, and that creates a major barrier to widespread adoption. SEP-30 defines an approach that enables an individual to regain access to a Stellar account after the individual has lost their private key using common forms of authentication (e.g. phone, email) without providing any third party control of the account.

To learn from the expert and ask your questions live, tune in on June 26th 2020, 1:00 PM ET!

About the Engineering Talks

Every other Friday, we're live streaming a 20-30 minute talk by an engineer at SDF. These talks dive directly into the more advanced side of Stellar, and give you a chance to learn from the pros and to ask any questions you have about building on Stellar.